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2. Post Surgery

A. Incision Care

Your incision is closed with staples, which will be removed around 14 days after your surgery. This area will be bruised for a while and may itch, pull or feel numb. You also may experience a burning sensation, which can be relieved by using an icepack for 10 to 15 minutes. Avoid using creams, lotions or ointments on the hip area. Keep the bandage area dry until your staples are out. Avoid showers until forty-eight hours after your staple have been removed.

B. Physical Activity

Being physically active is an essential part of recovery. Within three to six weeks, you should be able to resume most normal physical activities of your daily routine. During the first few weeks of recovery, a physical therapist may teach or help you perform specific exercises to strengthen your hip. Other recommended physical activities include graduated walking and normal household activities to increase your mobility. However, it is important that you do not push yourself and avoid falling, which can damage your hip and require further surgery. Stairs are particularly hazardous and should be avoided if you do not have the help of an assisting device or caregiver. Recommended devices include a cane, crutches, walker and handrails. You may receive an assistive walking device and lower body dressing equipment for home use. You should practice using lower body dressing equipment to achieve independence.